Monday, August 17, 2015

Loom operation

There really are very few things that I hate about working on a motorcycle. Electrical work is definitely the first to spring to mind. In all those years tinkering on bikes, I'm still anxious by the simple thought of having to deal with anything that comes close to a wiring loom.

We're in December 2014 and there's a Datatool alarm system to remove on a previously unloved Hornet 600. A quick inspection of the extra cables reveals they've been soldered rather than vampirizing the loom - the former is actually far better for the bike as it's much more reliable and certainly delays the development of the inevitable electrical Gizmos. Of course the system could also have been plugged, which would have been even better, but it would have required a bike-specific set of plugs and cables that I suspect Datatool do not produce actually.

Well, does removing the alarm system requires an iron solder ? Yes. And is there any place to plug that tool down in that dark place called garage ? No. So off goes the whole loom up to the flat's wooden floor (only protected by a mere flattened cardboard) for a soldering session.

This is the loom just as dropped off the bike. Notice the black datatool brain on the left. 

A datatool alarm is attached to several electrical components. On the battery, of course, on the ignition start relay, on the CDI, but on your signals relay as well. And it also comes with its own fuse box.
The extra fuse box
Some cables may simply be cut, but require the mandatory insulating tape before thinking about using the loom again. Others have to be unsoldered, separated and soldered back together.

It's cut so close from the CDI's main plug ...
The one from the starter relay
Tumor removed
Right, now for the clean and fitting the loom back

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